newsOkami Joined The 2022 Diamond Ball to Help Fundraise for Childhood Cancer

Okami groups and franchisees attended the 2022 diamond ball hosted by Children’s Cancer Institute in Sydney on 10 Sep 2022 as one of the diamond partners to help raise funds for childhood cancer research. With the contribution of all generous participants, it achieved an incredible $1,703,406 on the night. This is enough to fund 14 senior researchers with all their consumables to complete their research at the lab bench for an entire year.

Okami exists because of families. It was made possible for us to celebrate its 9th anniversary with nearly 50 branches around Australia – thanks to the ongoing support and love from local families and groups along the way and continuous efforts from all the team members.

We have never forgotten to pay tribute to those who stood by us through thick and thin. We are grateful for their support and patronage every day of the year.

As a business for family and locals, we need to give back to the local families and communities that have supported us throughout our journey. We are ecstatic and proud to be able to contribute good deeds for the cause that is dear to our hearts.